BACK SOON! Craft Beer Tasting with Wylde Sky Brewery


For updates on when we’ll be back in stock, email an enquiry to

Do you know your Pilsner from your Citra? Your IPA from your APA? Join us for this fun and informative tasting, snacks included (vegetarian and meat options available).

Our tasting pack includes six full-sized cans of beer, and can be shared between two people, or enjoyed alone. Thank you for drinking responsibly.

This is an on-demand tasting that can be enjoyed anytime.

To place an order, please visit Cambridge Wine Royston.

To view the taster video on Youtube click here.

A virtual tasting with Paul and Chris from Wylde Sky Brewery in Linton, Cambridgeshire, who produce carefully considered, thoughtfully crafted beer, made with quality seasonal ingredients. These delicious, balanced and highly drinkable brews offer something for casual drinkers and seasoned aficionados alike.

Join us for this fun and informative tasting, with snacks included (vegetarian and meat options available)!

Our tasting pack includes six full-sized cans of craft beer, and can be shared between two people, or enjoyed alone. Thank you for drinking responsibly.

The tasting pack includes:

  • 1 x 330ml can of American Pale Ale.
  • 1 x 330ml can of Saison.
  • 1 x 330ml can of Pacific Pale Ale.
  • 1 x 330ml can of Continental.
  • 2 x 330ml cans of Wylde Sky seasonal beers.
  • 1 x 40g packet of Brown Bag potato crisps.
  • 1 x 40g packet of Serious Pig ‘Cornish Sea Salted’ peanuts.
  • 1 x 28g packet of Serious Pig ‘Classic’ Snacking Salami (included in Meat option only).
  • 1 x 35g packet of Serious Pig ‘Sea Salted’ Snackling pork crackling (included in Meat option only).
  • 1 x 24g packet of Serious Pig Crunchy Snacking Cheese (included in Vegetarian option only).
  • 1 x 40g packet of Serious Pig Snacking Pickles (included in Vegetarian option only).
  • A beer tasting guide: our specially crafted tasting handbook to guide you through your tasting experience, including fun facts and tasting notes.
  • Access to a 4K ultra-high-definition tasting video.

This is an on-demand tasting that can be enjoyed anytime. Instructions for accessing the tasting video are included in the handbook (see page 4).

To place an order, please visit Cambridge Wine Royston.

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